Tag Archive: achievements

Glowy Skeletal Dargons for the win!

Earlier this week, the Dawn Vigil 10 man on Feathermoon completed the meta-achievement for Glory of the Icecrown Raider and received our rewards… Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquishers.

But let’s not forget the most important part, my friends…


We have also completed all but the Lich King on hardmode.  We still need to figure out how to survive to the first transition on him.

Lok’tar Ogar!

Wow!  Was Trial of the Crusader killer boring or what?  We didn’t expect to miss trash but damned if we did.

But look!  New stuff!  And it’s pretty and shiny new stuff!

3 5-mans.  I like them!  The first two are rather cake, even on heroic but the third, Halls of Reflection, is a bit more brutal.  My Death Knight walked out but I think my paladin is still a greasy spot on the floor.  But they are interesting with some cool mechanics, gauntlets and more than one room to look at!

A new 10/25 man!  It really delivers, in my opinion.  My 10 man has already downed all four of the first bosses but the mechanics are exciting and I love the story telling.  The gunship battle is AWESOME.  I cannot wait for the heroic.

Now for the bad news… a month till new bosses for us.  Longer still before we can even start on the heroic versions.  *sad puppy eyes*

Either way, I got a brand new shiny sword for dps and a sexy tanking axe.. all in our first raid.  Har.


Dawn Vigil, my 10 man raid, killed Algalon this morning!  As a result, they are all sporting a shiny new Starcaller title.

Gratz, guys!

I can’t actually give you an epic play by play.  I was tending a sick child instead of raiding.  There’s always next week though, right?

I am not usually an achievement whore.  I don’t nergasm over nerd points as a rule but still I find myself debating.

Should I go for Loremaster on Ezma?

It seems like such a huge amount of work, really.  As a death knight, she has done practically none of these quests.  But still.. Loremaster!  With tacky tabard to go with it!

Ugh.. so torn.